Welcome to 'Waiting for TJ'

We have a family blog about our two daughters, Jiejieandmeimei.blogspot.com. When we began the paper chase for a young man named Tianjun, we created a new web home for him. Since he will be about 7 years old when he joins our family, and not an infant as Jiejie and Meimei were, we want to give him as much history as we can as a member of our family, starting with our first look at a photo of him.

Friday, March 4, 2011

For You, the Sun, Moon and Stars

T.J. was not thrilled about his first dancing and drumming class. Meimei told us she went into class with him and  held his wrists and patted his hands on the drum as he cried.

That was last week. This is another week, and he is loving it. He likes making noise and rhythm, and he loves to sing, mostly "la la la," but today he had the iPad singing "Old McDonald," and he was singing along as well as he could.

He's speaking English in sentences now and hardly ever speaking Chinese if he is with just the family.
"Mom, play with me." "Water, please." "Wow, that really cool." (usually regarding a new iPad app. He has earned that Mama will (mostly) say no to the ones with numbers and dollar signs and thus has learned to read the word "free." "I want toy." "Why sleep time?" "More bacon." "I no like that." "How you do this?" In other words, he's way ahead of my Chinese. Still, he seems much younger than eight, and so very innocent. He has seen so little of the world, but come so far.